
Hello, earthlings. Welcome to my blog, where I will be documenting the various topics of network engineering and some of my studies. Let me start off by saying that I am not very consistent when it comes to studying these days, but I do my best. There was a time in my life that all I did was study and lab or took things apart for learning purposes. (Sorry, ma!) These days, I am at a different stage in life and want to chill for a little bit. * My body telling me: “YA GÜEY!! YA!!” * I’ve been pretty successful in my career and fortunate for the opportunities that have come my way (Si Se Pudo!). Especially because for the most part I feel like I was winging it.

That’s enough about me. Let me get back to figuring out what I am going to be writing about (haven’t got that far). I hope you will eventually find something helpful for you here.

I’ll come back and update my resume here at some point. Just not today. 🙂
